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Jeep Stealing
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Jeep Stealing

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To All all HRS Heroes: If any reading this has been to Hanshin, this isn't a story often told. We were out on the town, in Kashawara.
It was raining, and the O.D Officer, and the Sgt. of the Guard were closing the bars. There were four bars in a row, and they gave us a last call warning, but the next time they would enter, the place would be closed. We being in the first bar they visted, gave us a chance at more drinks. We asked the O.D if he would give us a ride back to our tent. The answer in all four bars was a stern NO.
Being that I didn't want to get wet, and they had left the engine running in the jeep, while they were in closing the bar, we deciced to take the jeep, to our tent, and leave the OD. to walk. Never driving a four wheel drive before, I didn't have any idea how to put it in four wheel operation. Half way back to the tent I got the jeep stuck in the mud, and we were captured. They took us back to the guard office, and after some thought decided to let it go. The O.D. told us that he was being transfred in three weeks, back to the states and no two nit wits were going to mess that up. He wasn't about to get stuck there for a court martial. he was wet, and mud from head to toe, from chasing us. Little Jimmy

Posted : 2003-09-25 16:45