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T.a.r. 12-7-69

2 Posts
2 Users
Dave Reavis
Posts: 9
Active Member
Topic starter

Dave Reavis looking for any info about crew of 53' that took call for emergency T.A.R. of 46' shot down s.w. of hill 55 on 12-7-69 I was right gunner col. ryan was pilot but i can't remember who the rest of the crew was. 167 guns had to leave us in the zone due to low fuel and on way back bad weather and low altitude made us a big target got the h--- shot out of us. Those guns sure did look good when they rejoined the flight.
would really like to hear from mates 69-70 culver, murph, blume youguys still kickin' really would appreciate any info.

Great site guys and thanks for the memories
Dave Reavis @ [email]dimmer144@comcast.net

Dave Reavis @ dimmer144@msn.com

Posted : 2003-07-24 22:38
Posts: 0
New Member

T.a.r. 12-7-69

Better late then never I guess. I was in 463 during the 69/70 era. I was line chief with John Orkish. Also was check crew leader for a while then
went to manage the Sgt's Club and went on to manage the SNCO Club.
Steve Culver is in Redmond Wash. working for Boeing.
Bob Horn is in Oklahoma City and is retired.
Chuck Lightle is a preacher in Tombal Texas. The rest I don't know
John and I took a lot of flights together during that time frame, the
flight sounds familiar but I've really tried to block a lot of that from
my mind.
I hope to hear back from you.

James A. (Jim) Batt

Posted : 2006-01-15 10:09