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Gareth's address in Iraq....

1 Posts
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Hello all.......

Gareth's Company arrived in Iraq two weeks ago and we finally have his address. If anyone has a few spare moments and could drop him a line or two I'm sure he would appreciate it:

LCpl Mello, Gareth
5/14 A.S./FP Company, 4th Platoon
Unit 72302
FPO AE 09509-2302

They are stationed at Camp Fallujah...and get this, every Sunday for chow they get steaks and lobster tails! Kind of reminds me of the wonderful 'boned chicken' in the c-rats....ummmmm, good.

He has called us a couple of times already but he cannot say much. Hot, hot, hot but of course we know nothing about a hot environment do we? He said the patrols have been fairly uneventful so far. Little kids running up asking for candy and if they run out the kids that don't get any flip the 'bird' to the Marines...guess kids are the same throughout the world... :rolleyes: He said generally the parents come running after the kids to get them away from the men or the parents yell for them to get back in the house. Guess I can understand that seeing as our men are targets.

Will keep all posted on any events that are interesting.

S/F Gordo

Posted : 2005-09-24 10:50