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Upcoming event for HMM-263

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I wish to inform you of an upcoming event hosted by Duncan (Pig) MacRae. Duncan wants to get together with all HMM-263 members who served in Vietnam. Everyone who served in country from the early H-34 members to the later H-46 members. And especially those of you who served with Walt Ledbetter, Ernie Young and Col. Keck. All pilots and crewmembers are welcomed and encouraged to attend.

The purpose of this is to put together a book regarding a Marine Helicopter Squadron that served in Vietnam. He has, on board already, an accomplished author who has several published books to his credit and has served in the British Army.

The dates will be this June 11th, 12th and 13th. The location will be in Columbia, South Carolina. He is suggesting that those who wish to participate stay at a Bed and Breakfast called Claussens, which is closest to his restaurant. Claussens’s phone number is (803) 765-0440. The rooms are $99.00-$114.00 per night.

As you can imagine there are still some details to be worked out but as soon as I hear of them I’ll be more that happy to pass them on.

You can contact Duncan at duncmel@bellsouth.net. I’m sure he will be happy to answer your questions also.

Take care, stay healthy and please support this event if at all possible.

Remember Reno in 2010!!!!

S/F Gary Alls
HMM-263 ’66-‘67

Posted : 2009-03-19 20:29