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Back Injury hanging an engine

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Greetings Gentlemen:

I was transferred to HMM-361 from HMM-163 in September 1965. That's when all the squadrons were jumbled so that FNGs would mix in with the existing Marines.

I need your help. I was injured while hanging an engine. We could not get the top bolts installed in the "A" frame. I got under the engine and used the engine stand as a means of support to "rock" the engine into place. I was in a squat position with my back up against the engine stand. The winch cable stretched and the engine came down on top of me just enough to pin me against the engine stand. I was carried to sickbay and remember waking up to a doctor who greeted me and asked what happened. I told him how I got hurt and he prescribed some aspirin, APCs, for pain. What else was there? I went back to my tent for a couple of days rest. I was fortunate that I did not sustain a broken back. But the accident did crush two disks in my L5-S1 area. I have been in constant pain since.

Since that time I have had considerable back pain to my lower back. I have recently learned that I could be compensated for a Combat Related Special Compensation. Well, as fate would have it, my medical record for the time period of September through December, 1965, has no entries whatsoever. My only recourse is to ask for help from anyone who may recall this accident. If I can get three or four Marines who are willing to sign a letter that I will draft, then I can submit this letter to the VA. The more signatures I can get the better my chances for compensation. The accident occurred on the flight line during daylight. There were a handful of Marines from my section who were assisting with the engine installation. If any of you Marines can assist me by recalling this event, please contact me by phone: (H)949-716-7676, (C)949-212-2848 or by email: btorres41@cox.net. For those of you who can recall my injury and are willing to sign a letter I will send a copy to each of you for your signature. Thank you all for your help.

Semper Fi,

Bob Torres

Posted : 2006-03-09 18:45