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mandatory missions?

1 Posts
1 Users
Posts: 896
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IF anyone cares, Chuck House turned down the first frag to evacuate As Hau. As missions were assigned; routine, emergency, medevac, and mandatory we then went into As Hau after we were told we were to go. I guess none of the other outfits ever had to do the same. Semper Fi Guys, hope all is well in Reno, I look forward to seeing all in PNS in a couple of years.

Sincerely, Joe Weiss papasmoke09@hotmail.com


I send a note about the four levels oor priorities that the chopper outfits operated under. I think they were, routine, priority, emergency, emergency medevac, and mandatory. All medevacs could have been emergency except we had routine medevacs from med facility to med facility. Mandatory was certainly exactly as it is stated. My question was; how many squadrons during the Vietnam Conflict received a "Mandatory" mission. You azre more adroit at the computer so would you please send it out?

Sincerely, Joe Weiss papasmokw09@hotmail.com

George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2004-07-12 20:54