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AMW's American All Stars

3 Posts
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:)This Officer who took care of this Marine, needs our help in being selected as the AMW's American All Star. Let's pitch in and go to the AWM web site and place our vote for her. Voting ends 4-5-09 @11:59 EST. Her story follows:

Officer Susan Porcello was responding to a 9-1-1 call regarding an elderly man sick at his home. After assisting him she befriended retired USMC PFC Gasper Musso and for the next six months, she along with her patrol partner provided what he needed to care for himself. He had no other family members alive and so Officer Susan Porcello and her partner took it upon themselves to have the resident honored and received full military burial privileges upon his passing away in November 2008. In addition, she provided for his wake, the mass and final burial at her own expense. In December 2008 Officer Porcello received the Public Servant of the Year Award from Little Italy Merchant Association (LIMA) and she also received the Rocco Laurie Memorial Award for outstanding police work for the demonstration of compassion and dedication to retired USMC PFC Gasper Musso in Life and Death. She recently received THE SHIELDS of Long Island award for Police Officer of the month for her ability, courage and understanding, which have won the respect, confidence and admiration of her fellow police officers. Officer Susan Porcello became a member of New York finest as a patrol officer in July 1998. After graduating the academy she was assigned to field training at the 68th precinct. Her trainings include cobra auto and motorcycle crime, CIMS, and is currently assigned to the Truancy Community Affairs Division. She is also a liaison between the public schools, district attorney office and the Board of Education. She has numerous memberships that include NRA, My Soldier Program, National Columbia Association, Policewomen's Endowment Association, Fraternal Order of Police Memorial lodge # 100 and she is a PBA union delegate for the Police Department. She is also a member of the polar bear club of Coney Island and the Society of Val Trebbia and Val Nure.

Larry Groah

Posted : 2009-04-05 03:25
Posts: 81
Trusted Member

Be more specific please

Would you be more specific on how to get to the right web site? When I type in AMW I get all kinds of sites (I'm refered to by my kids as Tech Changled). Like mabey www.whatever.com and then how :confused:

Posted : 2009-04-06 10:00
Posts: 99
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America's Most Wanted

The correct web site is America's Most Wanted: www.amw.com
I had the wrong information as for the voting dates. AMW emailed me back indicating that the correct voting dates for the finalist will be on April 16th. So hopefully we can get her to the top with our votes. Thanks

Larry Groah

Posted : 2009-04-06 17:55