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The VM-22...case of...
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The VM-22...case of...

2 Posts
2 Users
Posts: 160
Estimable Member
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Many moons' ago, there was a tidbit or two that I submitted that seemed to be pertinant and factual; re: V22 thingy...my comments paralled ,most of those mentioned as are on record today by y'all..
Within a day or so, my comments were "removed" by the monitor and my pee-pee was slapped by his saying my criticism of the V-22 was a political and negative statement and not @ the level that PAS wanted to deal with...ALL of youse guy's criticism's were for sure, a lot more negative than mine were...Rest assured.
My point? Within 24 hours of the fore mentioned transaction occured, EVERY WORD that PAS condemned me for being negative and political, was on GOOGLE...and, when asked about this, the Webguy was "confused" as to how such a think could have happened...Go figure...
Watch your back.

Posted : 2012-05-21 08:45
Posts: 592
Honorable Member

Re: The VM-22...case of...


We have had a bunch of gremlins wandering around the website the last 6 months. If your post was removed, you would have been told why it was removed - or you might have been asked to modify a few words. We do not sell or give any of our posts to anyone, but I have seen stuff on me on Google that I have no idea where it came from. We are not out to spy on anyone either. **** happens!!!

Posted : 2012-05-21 11:17