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3 Posts
3 Users
Posts: 592
Honorable Member
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Well, I have heard a lot of scuttlebutt about this upcoming reunion - and most of it is in the negative. How we are SNAFU'd and FUBAR'd. Well, not true, just like most scuttlebutt. We have some issues and we are working to resolve them - and most of them have been resolved - just waiting on confirmation on a few things before I make any announcements. If you have some questions, please ask me or Bruce Colbert. We will be happy to answer them. We are not hiding anything - you might say we have been too open with some of our issues. I know Marines like scuttlebutt and engage in it frequently. Before engaging in this particular scuttlebutt, please give me or Bruce the courtesy of asking us before engaging your mouths and or keyboards. This only hurts the organization.


Posted : 2008-04-09 13:30
Posts: 11
Active Member

Good job Larry. Besides loving a little scuttlebutt we are all getting a little ornery (you think) and possibly have a little to much time on our hands in our trip down the back side of the mountain. Keep up the good work. I'll be there.

Bob Dagley

Bob Dagley

Posted : 2008-04-09 21:06
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

Larry, thanks for doing such a good job on the reunion. My wife is thrilled to be going to DC. She has never been and is looking forward to it. I realize that all Marines have to bitch about something but if they have never been to DC to take in all the history available there they are missing out on a chance of a lifetime. I realize the cost involved is great but we have been cutting out a lot of things to save up for this trip. The chance to see Arlington, White House, Capitol, Enola Gay, and just be with the greatest group of Marine aviators ever is worth every penny we are spending. This reunion is the next best thing to ever happen, second only to being presented my air crew wings. Thanks again for a good job,time spent,and trying to keep it all together. Semper Fi Charlie

charlie baker

Posted : 2008-04-10 09:05