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Short update regarding Reunion

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We’ve just returned from a short vacation at the Grand Sierra Resort in Reno and I have to tell you that those attending the reunion are in for a treat. πŸ˜€

The hotel has changed a bit since our last reunion and it’s definitely for the better. There are plenty of areas for smokers and non-smokers to play the machines and card games. The rooms were clean and well kept. If you upgraded your room to the summit YOU WILL NOT be disappointed. These rooms are great.

I checked out the rooms for the squadron hootches and they will be more than adequate. A slight problem might be the lack of containers to place the drinks in. Adapt and overcome!!

There are plenty of restaurants to choose from for breakfast and lunch. Johnny Rockets makes a great hot chocolate sundae!!

The RV Park was clean and is just a short walk to the hotel.

Virginia City, Lake Tahoe and Carson City are close and well worth the time to make the trip.

A safe trip to everyone attending!! See you there.

S/F Gary Alls
HMM-263 ’66-β€˜67

Posted : 2010-04-18 00:14