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Maj. Pless

2 Posts
2 Users
SGT D.H. Cunningham
Posts: 8
Active Member
Topic starter

My Hero's, this whole crew was known by VMO-1 my stateside Squadren. There was may beers drank to these heros

My Question: we heard in Viet Nam that Maj. Pless was killed stateside in a motor cycle acciendent. Is this true? Is any of the crew still alive? Many of them must be like me diagnosed with diaibets or hepititis C, from the ditoxon in agents orange/blue and white. HML-167/VMO-2, Sniffer/Gunner:confused:

Posted : 2004-11-08 18:08
Son of a Klondike
Posts: 2
New Member

Maj. Pless

SGT D.H. Cunningham wrote: My Hero's, this whole crew was known by VMO-1 my stateside Squadren. There was may beers drank to these heros

My Question: we heard in Viet Nam that Maj. Pless was killed stateside in a motor cycle acciendent. Is this true? Is any of the crew still alive? Many of them must be like me diagnosed with diaibets or hepititis C, from the ditoxon in agents orange/blue and white. HML-167/VMO-2, Sniffer/Gunner:confused:

Yes, it's true. (See this link from this forum, https://www.popasmoke.com/notam2/showthread.php?t=3677

As I mentioned in another thread, my Dad spoke of very few specifics in Vietnam. Major Pless was on one of the very few I can recall. He spoke of how brave the Major was in saving lives, yet that same confident self assurance led him to try to jump a drawbridge on a motorcycle, causing his death.

Posted : 2006-01-07 13:37