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Corpsman Up (for Reno)

2 Posts
2 Users
Doc Barrett
Posts: 6
Active Member
Topic starter

At Reunion2002, we located 9 Corpsmen and 2 Flight Surgeons. I believe their were more, but because we register with our primary squadrons and their aren't enough of us to justify our own hooch, we've never had much success in locating each other at the reunions. Also, we always have Marines looking for their Doc's at the reunions.

This year, I had requested a card table and a sign-up sheet for the Doc's. Tom Hewes and J.D. took it one better. This year, the Doc's will have their own booth in the Grand Salon! After you have registered with your primary squadron, please stop by the booth, fill out a locator sheet and leave it in the binder. This sheet will tell us which Doc's are at the reunion and will enable us (and anyone looking for you) to contact you at the reunion.

And lastly, a few reunions ago, we decided to set-up a social gathering for the Doc's and their guests; something that would not interfere with the mini-reunions and other squadron activities. We selected breakfast on Saturday and it's been working well ever since. This year's breakfast will be an all-you-can-eat brunch for $9.95 at The Lodge (formerly the Grand Canyon). The Lodge is on the main floor at the end of "Restaurant Row", just before the casino. They don't take reservations, but they seat 400. If you would like to join the other Doc's for breakfast, please indicate it on the locator sheet and then just show up on Saturday at 8am!

Steve "Doc" Barrett HMCS (NAC/FMF) Ret

HMM-262 - HMM-263 - HMM-364 (70-71)

"Once a Corpsman, Always a Corpsman"

Posted : 2004-07-06 07:36
Jerry Griffin
Posts: 2
New Member

Med Evac Corpsman

Doc Barrett,
Have been a member of USMC/Vietnam Helicopter Assn. for about four years (became Lifer last year). Just registered on NOTAM Board. Haven't been able to be active in Assn. until recently due to job (working overseas). However, am now retired and plan to get more active.

Flew MedEvacs. with VMO-2 from Sep 65- Jan 66 and then flew with HMM-163 from Jan-May 66. That was my first tour in RVN.

Wanted to attend reunion in Reno but there was a conflict with reunion dates of Khe Sanh Vets. reunion, which I'm also a member of. Hard decision to make but decided to attend KSV reunion this year.

I'm sure you all had a great reunion in Reno and hope I can attend next one. Guess it will be in 2006, huh. Would like to hear from you sometime.

Semper Fi,
Jerry Griffin HMCM, USN (Ret)

Posted : 2004-07-23 20:49