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WM's in RVN

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GOOD Marine

Allan Holmes;26893 wrote:

After reflection and reconsideration, on a 14-1/2 hour flight, I have come to the conclusion that my comments were inappropriate. For this I apologize to the PAS leadership, as I was not directed to them as a whole.

This person, and the MCL she belongs to, should be ashamed of themselves. If this is indeed a he/she, it makes me wonder why the uniform or ribbon placement is incorrect, not to forget missing pieces.

To me, this is a slap in the face to all true Veterans of the little conflict we participated in over the beautiful skies of SE Asia.

I for one, sleep well at night, with a clear conscience, knowing that I was there, and do not have an issue with folks questioning my service. (Yes, it has happened.)

The sad part about this is that it has happened. I will, however, withhold all comments and let the smart folks sort this out.

Good Marine ! It take a Good man,but a better Marine to see all sides. Allan ,but I can say I do see your point and so just want to let you know. God Speed , Hope to see you in Reno!

Posted : 2010-05-27 00:58
orlando ingvold
Posts: 85
Trusted Member

Ribbon/medal precedence has changed since we were in. PH out ranks the AM now.

Posted : 2010-05-30 11:46
Posts: 128
Estimable Member

The Argumentum ad verecundiam of Sam Beamon?

The Argumentum ad verecundiam of Sam Beamon and this silly set syllogism’s?.
The Purple Heart to the best of my knowledge has always held precedence to the Air Medal as it should.

My question is that there are a few rules of logical investigation needed to explain the argumentum ad verecundiam of Sam Beamon’s email response?

A simple modus tollens would suffice, not counting a sharpened Occams Razor or any of the lovely laws of Parsimony or [KISS].

I have to ask, ‘If the pictured combat awards were earned as an enlisted man, where are the PUC's, where are the Republic of Vietnam ribbons? Where is the enlisted Good Conduct Ribbon? Where then are the hash mark(s) denoting all those years of enlisted service, and shouldn’t there be a Marine Combat Aircrew Badge?

Yes, I know..., The Air Combat wasn’t medals weren't awarded as an Officer. So where izzit @?

There are no other campaign ribbons to denote any other subsequent actions in which he may have participated.
Beirut, etc.

Oh, right! I forgot, an officer should never make any reference to the circumstances as how he earned his commission.

I am trying my best to use a simple hypothetical syllogism here even though it is very disjunctive, I am aware that Officers don't rate GCM's or our “Good Cookie Award” but that is my point! If she is now an officer, how did this occur even if she was an enlisted male in the Marines or the Navy in her youth? So, if Alan is wrong, a fortiori, so am I but I doubt it in all earnest.

I am to believe and accept that this she-male earned the Combat awards as an enlisted person in some naval service of the United States as an enlisted man. Long before the Progressive “Don’t Ask Don’t tell” rules were even ever considered. Now why do I find that confusing???

Then he became an officer, then rose to the rank of Captain after completing flight school where he became a Marine or Naval pilot? Then he may have left the Navy and joined or rejoined the Corps as a pilot or didn't? Then, after a bit he addressed his transsexual issues and became a female Marine. Presumably after don’t ask don’t tell, but that is oh so wrong. She did this all very clandestinely and never aroused any attention to herself..., that is until.., [Ahem!] now ?

I don't believe even Smedley Butler, Chesty Puller or Leslie O'Banion could have done all of that above in under four (4) years since no enlisted hash mark in evidence? But Officers don't wear Hash Marks, I gott’em on my Blues, was I out of uniform? Where do I go to have my sene qua non Cap’n’s Mast or a belatred General Court Marshal?

Long after I was discharged from the Marines on a fluke and a dare, I had occasion to join an Army Military Police Company as a reservist as did a few of my Marine buddy’s and Law Enforcement cohorts. I (we) wore my (our) USMC ribbons and my USMC badges, even wore my Air Combat badge on my utilities at drills and Summer Camps just to confuse the Army Reserve Knimbknowls. I got rank, I got awards but I doubt if I’d ever consider wearing any of the Army Reserve “Geedunk” on my Marine Corps Dress Blues for my FUNeral even it they did fit and I could legally wear my Dress Blues again.
Oh well, Thus endeth the epistle, that’s my apercu for today, so much for last months espièglerie and this etourderie gaucherie.

Laissez les bon temps rouler, and a polyglots to all.

Siempre fiel, Altijd Gelovig, Toujours fidèle, Immer Zuverlässig, Vždy věrný, Sempre fedele, Zawsze wierny, 常に忠実な
Semper Fidelis

All done in fun until someone fesses up!

Semper Fidelis


Posted : 2010-05-31 17:46
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