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Passing through DFW...
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Passing through DFW? Recon?

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Posts: 115
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One thing I want to ephasize regarding our reunion location this time is the safety issue. Fort Worth's downtown area is not like the Dallas West End. You don't read of assaults and dangerouse behavior over here. The area is teeming with cops on foot, on bikes, in cars and of course, on horseback. My wife and I frequent the downtown cowtown area and you always feel safe there. This is a place for casual sightseeing, shopping and just looking around.

One of our favorite places is just across the Trinity and I35 from downtown called the Stagecoach Ballroom. It is privately owned and a real Texas dancehall. They play real country music, have a live band every night and lessons for non-dancers. The crowd is "mature" as opposed to the kind of atmosphere you saw in that Travolta movie about Gillies in Houston. You can do a websarch of them and look at their schedule. Beer is usually two bucks at the bar and they do reserve tables if you call ahead. From downtown, it's probably a two or three buck cab ride and parking is a problem if anyone cares to go boot scoot'n while there. You will not look out of place without boots and a hat, however, I have some of each if anyone is a 6 5/8 hat size. Summer is a time for leaving the felt on the hat rack and wearing your straw hat. They make a palm-leaf hat that can be creased by wetting in water instead of steam-creasing and any decent western wear store will crease while you wait. Check out:


Posted : 2005-10-29 17:30